Security Notice

Please Be Aware of Phishing E-mails Currently in Circulation.

A number of phishing e-mails are currently circulating that claim to be sent by Visa Bonus Card or Cornèr Bank Limited, Branch BonusCard (Zurich).
These e-mails will ask you to download an attachment and check or update your credit card information. By answering a phishing e-mail, you give cybercriminals access to your credit card log-in details.

It’s Easy to Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams.

We all receive numerous e-mails every day, and occasionally, there may be a phishing e-mail or two hidden in the mass of electronic correspondence. Criminals who send these e-mails often disguise themselves as financial institutions and ask you to divulge confidential information such as your card number, PIN, or passwords under a false pretext.

Please note: Visa Bonus Card, Cornèr Bank Limited, Branch BonusCard (Zurich), and Visa will never ask you to reveal confidential card or log-in data in an e-mail, over the phone, or via text message. Should you ever receive a request of this kind, please disregard it and delete it immediately (without opening any e-mail attachments or clicking on any links).

If you accidentally disclose confidential card information to a scammer, please call our 24h Helpline as soon as possible on +41 58 717 22 00